Cooden Beach Golf Club

26th January

What a fun breakfast we had, as the video (click on David S) and photographs show. A good venue, good food, good fellowship, and a thought provoking message at the end. We have received many encouraging emails as a result of this breakfast, and here are just a few:-

"what a fantastic occasion it was, a really special breakfast event that was fun, laughter, good food and fellowship and not sure could have been improved."

"Thank you so much for including us women at the Breakfast on Saturday, it really was a treat to see all the shenanigans that happen!"

"So marvellous to just sit and talk and have uplifting conversation. And what a wonderful talk the speaker gave! "

Our last two breakfasts have also been a blessing to the staff as some favourable comments were made by them, the last one being "what a nice bunch of people we were and how refreshing it was to enjoy the ocassion without any complaints and difficult people", we are making a difference folks!

Glynn Phillips - guest speaker

Just over 44 years ago, Glynn was an engineering apprentice just doing a mundane job! But the perseverance of 2 college friends resulted in Glynn committing his life to Christ. He quickly became involved in the life of the church where he later met and married Philippa. Although working full time and travelling widely, he served with Philippa in the founding of a newly established local Christian fellowship and as part of the team for over 14 years, and thereafter in another local church.

Things suddenly changed in 2016 when he was diagnosed with cancer and all the personal and family challenges that brought. Of the whole experience he rates 2 things as being most important – being prayed over for healing and having a closer relationship with God.

Glynn is a trustee supporting churches within the Connexion network of some 20 churches, also participating in prayer for the UK and Parliament. His hunger is to see God at work in this country and true revival breaking out!